Waterfox terbaru April 2015, versi 37.0.1

Waterfox adalah browser dengan performa yang tinggi dikembangkan dari Mozilla Firefox. Waterfox adalah didesain khusus untuk sistem 64-bit, yang unggul dalam kecepatan. kompatible dengan Intel C Compiler ++ dengan optimisations berikut: Math Library Intel, SSE3, AVX untuk prosesor Intel yang didukung, jemalloc, Profil-Guided Optimisation dan saklar / O3.

• Compiled in Intel’s C++ Compiler
• Intel’s Math Library
• Streaming SIMD Extensions 3
• Advanced Vector Extensions
• Jemalloc
• Profile-Guided Optimisation
• /O3 Switch
• 100% Extension Compatibility
• 64-bit Plugin Support
• Future Proof!
What’s new in v31:
• Added support for Unicode 7.0
• Experimental support for WebCL


Waterfox 37.0.1 Release

What’s new in 37.0.1 (Waterfox)
  •     Build system updated to Visual C++ 2013 Update 4 and Intel C++ 14 Update 5
  •     Updated International Components for Unicode from 55 Milestone 1 to 55 Release
  •     Fixed broken vectorized code

What’s new in 37.0 & 37.0.1 (Firefox)

  •    Improved protection against site impersonation via OneCRL centralized certificate revocation
  •     Opportunistically encrypt HTTP traffic where the server supports HTTP/2 AltSvc
  •     Disabled insecure TLS version fallback for site security
  •     Improved performance of WebGL rendering on Windows
  •     Improved certificate and TLS communication security by removing support for DSA
  •     Extended SSL error reporting for reporting non-certificate errors
  •     TLS False Start optimization now requires a cipher suite using AEAD construction
  •     Implemented a subset of the Media Source Extensions (MSE) API to allow native HTML5 playback on YouTube (Windows Vista or later only)
  •     Added support for CSS display:contents
  •     IndexedDB now accessible from worker threads
  •     New SDP/JSEP implementation in WebRTC
  •     Debug tabs opened in Chrome Desktop, Chrome for Android, and Safari for iOS
  •     New Inspector animations panel to control element animations
  •     New Security Panel included in Network Panel
  •     Debugger panel support for chrome:// and about:// URIs
  •     Added logging of weak ciphers to the web console
  •     Disabled HTTP/2 AltSvc
  •     Fixed Start-up crash due to graphics hardware and third party software

Known Issue

Any users on Waterfox 35.0 and 35.0.1 will not be receiving automatic updates. Please update manually.

How do I get this update?
  •     It should be available immediately and can be applied by clicking the Menu Icon > ? > About Waterfox or
  •     Download from the front page


Homepage – http://www.waterfoxproject.org/

Download Waterfox 37.0.1

Download Waterfox 37.0.1 Portable

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